Thursday, September 29, 2011

We started doing our timeline but then decided that it may not be working as good for our video then for the others. I think we will have to see what material we have got and then cut and edit it together, but of course a rough timeline and storyboard are needed and necessary.


Location: Studio
Action: Peter walking straight to camera
Shot/Movement: wide shot of Peter. Out of focus but as he comes closer to the camera he is in focus
(focus poll)

Action: cheeky smile
Shot/Movement: extreme close up of his face
Timing: 0:1- 0:4

Location: Studio
Action: lifts his pen
Shot/Movement: medium shot
Timing: 0:4 - 0:8 seconds

Location: Studio
Action: writes Peter & The Wolf (pen is behind glass wall)
Shot/Movement: close up of his and and the pen
Timing: 0:8 - 0.20 seconds 

Location: Studio
Action: facing the camera and taking off his T-shirt
Shot/Movement: wide shot
Edit transition: glass starts moving and Peter & The Wolf disappears
Timing: 0.20 - 0:30 seconds

Location: Studio
Action: painting himself
Shot/Movement: close up of chest, camera pans up from chest to face
Timing: 0:30 - 0:42 seconds

Location: Studio
Action: starring at camera and lying on the floor
Shot/Movement: extreme close up on face
Timing: 0:43 - 0:45 seconds

Location: Studio ( floor) 
Shot/Movement: camera is zooming out on his face and starts turning
Timing: as he starts singing 0:45 - 0:57 seconds

Location: STudio
Action: pinning wet clothes on wall 
Shot/Movement: high angle, medium shot
Timing: 0:57 - 1:04 

Location: Studio
Action: pinning clothes "on" camera, DARK/purple
Shot/Movement: high angle
Timing: 1:04 - 1:10

Location: Studio, in washing machine
Action: he takes away the fabric in front of camera and suddenly we see his face in a different location
Shot/Movement: close up
Sound: ping
Timing: 1:10- 1:15

Location: Studio , wall
Action: we see wet, purple clothes hanging on wall
Shot/Movement: wide shot
Timing: 1:16 - 1: 18

Location: Studio, wall
Action: purple water dropping on the floor
Shot/Movement: extreme close up or close up
Timing: 1:18 - 1.21

Location: Studio, in front of glass
Action: drawing a part of a house, (walks out left)
Shot/Movement: medium shot, breaking rule of 3rds, zoom to drawing, 
Timing: 1:21 - 1:27
Edit transition: dissolves 

Location: House
Shot/Movement: establishing shot of room
Sound: "Foooreground..."
Edit transition: dissolve
Timing: 1:27-1:33

Location: House
Action: peter entering the frame
Shot/Movement:est. shot

Permission Letter

To Warp Records.

We are a group of A Level students working on an A Level project for a qualification in Media Studies. We are writing to request permission to use the following track as part of this project:

Grizzly Bear - Foreground

With your permission the track would be used as the accompaniment to a short form video that is made purely for assessment purposes and will have no commercial usage. The video will be viewed only by members of the school community and the assessor of the examination board.

The artist and the copyright holder will of course be fully recognised in the pre-production and evaluation material that accompanies the project. We can also include a full copyright notice if required both in the planning material and on the video itself.

Yours sincerely

Helena Lageder, Paula Romy Riemann, Grace Anthony and Leyla Jafarian Sabagh.
Hurtwood House School

We need inspiration!

We feel like we are stuck and do not get inspired by the images we already have. First we only paid attention to the visual aspect but then we were told to focus a bit more for a narrative. We doing that we were asked to take the narrative part out again and only work for visual interesting images. Therefore we are back to the basics. It is very hard to not get lost in this, because we have already done some images we wanted to do something new now. The problem is that we have got difficulties to find any inspiration from a source that is different to the concept we already have. I think it would be a bad idea to give up on this project because we have already put a lot of work into it and it is quite often that artists have problems when realizing a project. Therefore I would just continue looking for more strong images without drifting away from the concept and that still suits the song, because even if it would be nice to have a fight scene, it would not really make as much sense in the content of our music video than other aspects. Yet not everything we show needs to make sense but it should, never the less, go along with the music and its temper.
Here two videos I looked at to get some new inspirations and get away from the white empty studio, or the empty house.  The second one includes colours as well and could be quite interesting for our first make up idea. Maybe that could be an inspiration that could lead into something.  

Monday, September 26, 2011

Other video inspirations

Because the music video that we wanted to shoot is supposed to be very abstract and surreal, I therefore looked at a little music scene which is from a very abstract movie called ‘science of sleep. The way of designing everything regarding background materials and costume was very cute and artistic at the same time. This is an example of showing a series situation in an abstract way. Not everybody is going to understand the point of it, but that it ok, because everything is taking place in his own head, just like it is going to be with Peter.

 Another one was about the idea of using paint in our video. This one may be a bit extreme but it has got very nice sequences when making use of the paint on the human body.

I also thought about the colour composition in the house and thought that a colourful contrast to the white studio would be nice. I therefore looked at some music videos which used a lot of ordinary colours.

Album Cover

Our artist is a very creative and talented young fellow; therefore he wants to express himself through his music and within that through the album cover. It should be a very arty and unique in order for him letting the people know what kind of person he is. I picked out some examples from other bands which could be similar to ours or at least be an inspiration.  



Moshinight Apr 2008
Moshi Moshi Records include lots of alternative and arty bands which have got similar artificial context as our ‘Peter and the wolf’ musician. The way of labeling is also the way we would want to go, they are very supportive when it’s about presenting their musicians in a very alternative way. Even though they include some well-known musicians such as ‘The drums’ or ‘Block Party’ they are definitive an independent label, not only because of the music genre that they are representing but also because of the way they are to advertise their bands etc.   
We think that they could be the perfect Record Company for ‘Peter and the wolf’ because they represent everything that he is representing; youth, rebellion, creativity and independence.
Moshi Moshi is the one!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Although you have made some progress on the blog since the last feedback, I don't think you are putting in enough time outside of class to ensure that it is as comprehensive as possible.  I was expecting to see your artist's institutional context and research into the kind of album artwork which is typical of the genre.  Although there were issues finishing off your timeline, I would also like to see some evidence of the timeline/visualisations, even if they were not complete.


Monday, September 19, 2011

More inspirations for our musician:

Fashion wise:
I think that at least visually he could be a male version of the musician Natasha Khan who is the inventor of the band bat for lashes.  She is known for her very own and unique style. She is a fashionable outsider and represents weakness but also independence and strength at the same time. I think that peter and the wolf is a very fashionable musician as well, therefore her fashion and music style is an inspiration.

Pete Dohety; the front singer of the Babyshables and the Liberties is very well known for his excessive drug consume. Never the less he is a brilliant musician and very talented. He may be an exaggerating of our star, who is supposed to have some mental problems (depression) but not necessarily drugs or alcohol problems.  In general this character goes a bit too far, regarding the image that we were thinking off, never the less Pete Dohety is a misunderstood character who is tragic and cool at the same time. Therefore he is an inspiration in a way.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Your account of the target audience is good, as is the research into Patrick Wolf as a key influence.  However, you need to widen the range of artists to which you are referring and offer more research into star images and the ways that these are sold to audiences.  You also need to post your initial ideas and the pitch presentation to complete this stage of the planning process.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Luke’s Feedback

The first thing he said was that we have to think in more detail and have strong arguments and reasons why we are showing the images and what effect we want it to have. Because there is the danger of it looking ridiculous and not tragic and sad how we wanted it. My personal opinion to that thesis was that it is ok to laugh about certain images but that even though you find them funny they have an effect on you and make you think deeper. He was also very critical about our idea of the writing on the big glass board. We planned on doing that in only one big shot, where we could come back to, but in his opinion that did not work very well. Never the less, The Bright Eyes’ video shows that it can work indeed.  
But I think he was right when he said that we have to think about every image that we show in order to make it meaningful and interesting. – More ideas are in process and things will be changed again.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ideas for the video

Our first idea was the consistency of the slow-motion, but because the song is more than 3 minutes long, so therefore it would become boring only seeing a guy in slow-moving touching his face so we agreed to add more ideas. Because we had the idea of identity and the question: Who am I? We thought it might be a good idea to make him put on various kinds of make up ; for example drawing a mustache with a black make up pen, or a red mouth with lipstick, showing that he is not sure or rather confused about his sexuality.  We also wanted him to dress up in various costumes one of them was a sheep costume where he is wearing a wolf hat symbolizing that he is a liar, which is putting him down very much and makes him feel sad and desperate. His figure himself is a very pitiable one which upsets up entertains at the same time. It is common that lots of successful superstars has got some problems, such as alcohol, drugs or and depression.

In Process

We agreed on picking my chosen song ‘Foreground’ by Grizzly Bear and thought about a continuing theme throughout the video. We decided that It would be identity and the big question: Who am I? Our singer’s band name is called ‘Peter and the wolf’ which is related back to a Russian children story.  We came up with this name because we wanted him (our singer) to be a very creative and intellectual person. Another inspiration source were band names like: Noah and the Whale, Grizzle Bear, Patrick Wolf etc.
We created an image of him as being an outsider with the tendency to melancholy but an original talent. He seems to be a bit fragile and feminine as well. Therefore his target audience is an open minded, arty and more likely being western. It is a niche audience which includes young adults and upwards.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Picking a song

Because I really wanted to realize the slow-motion idea I was looking for a sad and slowly tune. So I was looking through my music collection until I finally found a very soft song by a band called Grizzly Bear who do a lot of sing/songwriter, indie and alternative music. They are not very popular but I took that as an advantage, because the more popular the music is, the more likely it is that there is already a music video or the own images that each person has made up by themselves and it gets harder for us to get them accept the images that we are showing them.   

First ideas

I was inspired by the short videos from Patrick Wolf an alternative musician who directed these films himself. Nothing much happens in there but it had a very big impacted on me. I was fascinated by the things I got to see. Everything he showed was done in slow-motion and it did not tell a story nor had a narrative but still all the images worked perfectly well together.  I thought it would be a good idea to do something similar, not only because it looks nice, but also because it is quite easy and quick to do because of the time limit we have. It is also a very low budget production, because all you really need is a studio, the right lighting, a person in front of the camera and that’s it.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


This is a good start, Leyla, with some useful planning material for your prelim shoot.  Make sure that you get as a much detail as possible as we move on to the main task - it is useful to have a clear sense of the process that you go through from initial ideas to research and planning.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Acres of Life MUSIC VIDEO

Because acres of Life is more of an emo- rock band we only looked at artists who do something quite similar and do the same kind of music. Therefore we kept their style when thinking about shooting the Music video for them. It fit to their image and made them look  rebellious, young and creative. The video was to increase the image that they already had.